1 break-in
= break in -
2 break
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5 ♦ break
♦ break (1) /breɪk/n. [cu]1 rottura; frattura ( anche med.); squarcio; varco: a break in the clouds, uno squarcio fra le nuvole; a break in the traffic, un varco nel traffico; break of continuity, soluzione di continuità4 interruzione; sospensione; pausa; sosta; stacco; break; intervallo: coffee [tea] break, pausa (per il) caffè [tè]; lunch break, pausa pranzo; ( radio, TV) commercial breaks, interruzioni pubblicitarie; spot; pubblicità; the Easter break, le vacanze di Pasqua; without a break, senza interruzione (o sosta); ininterrottamente; to have (o to take) a break, fare una sosta (o una pausa, un intervallo, uno stacco)5 (GB, a scuola) ricreazione; intervallo: DIALOGO → - School- We had English and physics before morning break, abbiamo avuto inglese e fisica prima dell'intervallo del mattino6 periodo di riposo; vacanza; stacco: a break from work, un periodo di riposo dal lavoro; I need a break, ho bisogno di un po' di vacanza; ho bisogno di staccare un po'; a weekend break, un weekend di vacanza8 cambiamento improvviso; distacco; taglio: a break in the weather, un cambiamento del tempo; a break with tradition, un taglio con la (o un distacco dalla) tradizione; a break with the past, un taglio col passato9 scatto, slancio (spec. per fuggire); fuga: a break from jail (o a jail break) un'evasione dal carcere; to make a break for freedom, tentare la fuga (o l'evasione); The deer made a break for the thicket, il cervo si slanciò verso il folto d'alberi10 (fam.) occasione; opportunità; chance: big break, grande occasione; bad break, sfortuna; jella; sfiga (pop.); lucky break, colpo (o botta) di fortuna; I finally got my break, finalmente ho avuto un colpo di fortuna; to get the breaks, avere fortuna12 (geol.) frattura; litocrasi13 (mecc.) rottura; guasto20 ( tennis, = service break, break of serve) break: to win the break, ottenere il break; to be two breaks down, essere sotto di due break; aver subìto due break; break point, break point; palla break26 (equit., ipp.) rottura dell'andatura● (tipogr.) break line, ultima riga; righino □ (comm., naut.) break of bulk, inizio della discarica □ (lett.) break of day, alba □ (fam.) an even break, un trattamento equo; pari opportunità: I'm just asking for an even break, chiedo solo d'essere trattato come tutti □ (fam.) Give me a break!, dammi una possibilità!; lasciami provare!; ( anche escl. di esasperazione) ma piantala!, ma fammi il piacere!, figurarsi! □ (fam.) to make a break for it, scappare; darsela a gambe □ to make a clean break, rompere definitivamente con qc.; dare un taglio netto □ to make the break, cambare vita (o lavoro); dare un taglio a tutto.break (2) /breɪk/n.2 (autom.) break; Giardinetta®; familiare.♦ (to) break /breɪk/A v. t.1 rompere; infrangere; spezzare: to break a bottle, rompere una bottiglia; He broke his arm, si ruppe un braccio; to break one's neck, rompersi il collo (o l'osso del collo); to break a seal, spezzare un sigillo; ( di fiume) to break its banks, rompere gli argini; to break the sound barrier, infrangere la barriera del suono; to break sb. 's heart, spezzare il cuore a q.2 staccare (spezzando); spezzare: to break a piece of bread from a loaf, staccare un pezzo di pane da una pagnotta; to break a branch off a tree, spezzare un ramo da un albero5 cambiare (una banconota, spec. pagando qc. e ricevendo un resto); spicciolare: to break a £50 note, cambiare un biglietto da 50 sterline6 interrompere; spezzare; rompere: to break the silence, rompere il silenzio; (elettr.) to break a circuit, interrompere un circuito elettrico; A cry broke my train of thought, un grido interruppe il filo dei miei pensieri; We broke our journey at Lucca, interrompemmo il viaggio a Lucca; facemmo tappa a Lucca7 porre fine a; spezzare: to break the deadlock, porre fine all'impasse; uscire dal punto morto; to break a vicious circle, spezzare un circolo vizioso; to break the drought, porre fine alla siccità; to break a siege, spezzare un assedio8 frenare; attutire; smorzare: to break a fall, attutire una caduta; These trees break the force of the wind, questi alberi smorzano l'impeto del vento9 fiaccare; domare; stroncare; spezzare: to break a strike, far fallire uno sciopero ( utilizzando crumiri, ecc.); to break sb. 's spirit, fiaccare lo spirito di q.; spezzare q.; The revolt was broken, la rivolta è stata domata; to break a horse, domare un cavallo11 rovinare ( una persona): to break sb. financially, mandare in rovina q.; far fallire q.; That scandal broke him politically, quello scandalo è stato la sua rovina12 (mil.) degradare; radiare13 battere, superare, migliorare ( un primato): He's broken his own record, ha battuto il suo stesso primato14 venir meno a; non tener fede a; non mantenere: to break an engagement, non tener fede a un impegno; to break a diet, non mantenere una dieta; to break faith, venir meno alle promesse (o alla parola data); to break a promise, venir meno a una promessa15 (leg.) infrangere; violare: to break a rule, infrangere una regola; to break the law, violare la legge16 comunicare, dare ( una notizia spiacevole): I had to break the news to him, ho dovuto dargli io la notizia; Break it to her gently, diglielo con delicatezza17 sciogliere al vento (una vela, una bandiera)B v. i.1 rompersi; infrangersi; spezzarsi: It fell and broke, è caduto e si è rotto; Her bones break easily, le sue ossa si rompono facilmente; to break in two, rompersi in due pezzi; spezzarsi in due; to break into fragments, andare in frantumi (o in pezzi)6 (elettr., mecc.) aprirsi; interrompersi7 sospendere il lavoro; fare una pausa (o un intervallo, uno stacco); staccare: At 11 we broke for coffee, alle 11 facemmo una pausa per il caffè11 ( di notizia, ecc.) diffondersi; essere divulgato; diventare di dominio pubblico; ( di scandalo) scoppiare: The story soon broke, la storia si è diffusa ben presto; la notizia è diventata presto di dominio pubblico; (TV) breaking news, notizie dell'ultima ora; ultimissime12 ( della voce) incrinarsi; spezzarsi; rompersi; (di voce maschile, nella pubertà) cambiare, diventare più profonda: Her voice broke as he gave me the news, nel darmi la notizia gli si è spezzata la voce His voice is breaking, sta cambiando la voce13 (fam.: di situazione, ecc) andare; mettersi: Things were breaking badly, le cose si mettevano male● (leg.) to break an alibi, dimostrare la falsità di un alibi □ (fam.) to break one's back, ammazzarsi di fatica; spezzarsi la schiena; sgobbare □ to break sb. 's back, spezzare le reni a q.; uccidere q. □ to break the back of, completare la parte più ardua di; fare il grosso di; dare una bella botta a □ to break the bank ► bank (2) □ (form.) to break bread with sb., mangiare con q. □ (naut.) to break bulk, iniziare la discarica □ (fig.) to break a butterfly on a wheel, fare spreco d'energia per una cosa da poco □ to break camp, smontare le tende; levare il campo □ to break clear, liberarsi; sganciarsi; ( sport) smarcarsi; ( sport) andare in fuga □ ( di selvaggina) to break cover, uscire allo scoperto □ to break even, chiudere in pareggio; pareggiare i conti; non avere perdite □ to break free, liberarsi; sciogliersi ( da una stretta); fuggire □ to break new (o fresh) ground, (di scoperta, ecc.) essere innovatore, essere pionieristico; ( di persona) innovare, essere un pioniere □ to break a habit, abbandonare un'abitudine inveterata: to break the smoking habit, smettere di fumare □ to break sb. of a habit, far smettere a q. un'abitudine; togliere un vizio a q. □ to break jail, evadere □ ( gergo teatr.) DIALOGO → - Going for an interview- Break a leg!, in bocca al lupo! □ to break loose = to break free ► sopra □ to break open, forzare, scassinare ( una porta, ecc.) □ (stor.) to break sb. on the wheel, mettere q. alla tortura della ruota □ (mil.) to break ranks, rompere le file (o le righe) □ to break a safe, scassinare una cassaforte □ ( tennis) to break the opponent's serve, strappare il servizio all'avversario □ to break st. short, porre fine a (qc.) prima del tempo; interrompere □ to break the skin, lacerare la pelle □ to break step, rompere il passo □ (naut.: di sottomarino) to break surface, affiorare □ (eufem.) to break wind, emettere un peto; fare un vento. -
6 break
break [breɪk]casser ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (c) briser ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (i), 1 (j) fracturer ⇒ 1 (b) enfoncer ⇒ 1 (e) violer, enfreindre ⇒ 1 (f) rompre ⇒ 1 (h) couper ⇒ 1 (h) ruiner ⇒ 1 (k) amortir ⇒ 1 (l) se casser ⇒ 2 (a) se briser ⇒ 2 (a) se fracturer ⇒ 2 (b) cassure, brisure ⇒ 3 (a) fissure, fente ⇒ 3 (b) ouverture ⇒ 3 (c) interruption ⇒ 3 (d) pause ⇒ 3 (e) évasion ⇒ 3 (f) chance ⇒ 3 (g) changement ⇒ 3 (h)(a) (split into pieces → glass, furniture) casser, briser; (→ branch, lace, string, egg, toy) casser;∎ break the stick in two cassez le bâton en deux;∎ to break sth into pieces mettre qch en morceaux;∎ to get broken se casser;∎ to break a safe forcer un coffre-fort;∎ figurative to break bread with sb partager le repas de qn;∎ figurative to break sb's heart briser le cœur à qn;∎ Ross broke her heart Ross lui a brisé le cœur;∎ it breaks my heart to see her unhappy ça me brise le cœur de la voir malheureuse;∎ figurative to break the ice rompre ou briser la glace∎ to break one's leg se casser ou se fracturer la jambe;∎ to break one's neck se casser ou se rompre le cou;∎ the fall broke his back la chute lui a brisé les reins;∎ familiar figurative they broke their backs trying to get the job done ils se sont éreintés à finir le travail;∎ familiar we've broken the back of the job nous avons fait le plus gros du travail;∎ familiar I'll break his neck if I catch him doing it again! je lui tords le cou si je le reprends à faire ça!;(c) (render inoperable → appliance, machine) casser;∎ you've broken the TV tu as cassé la télé(d) (cut surface of → ground) entamer; (→ skin) écorcher; Law (seals → illegally) briser; (legally) lever;∎ the seal on the coffee jar was broken le pot de café avait été ouvert;∎ the skin isn't broken la peau n'est pas écorchée;∎ to break new or fresh ground innover, faire œuvre de pionnier;∎ scientists are breaking new or fresh ground in cancer research les savants font une percée dans la recherche contre le cancer(e) (force a way through) enfoncer;∎ the river broke its banks la rivière est sortie de son lit;∎ to break the sound barrier franchir le mur du son;(f) Law (violate → law, rule) violer, enfreindre; (→ speed limit) dépasser; (→ agreement, treaty) violer; (→ contract) rompre; (→ promise) manquer à; Religion (→ commandment) désobéir à; (→ Sabbath) ne pas respecter;∎ she broke her appointment with them elle a annulé son rendez-vous avec eux;∎ he broke his word to her il a manqué à la parole qu'il lui avait donnée;∎ Law to break parole = commettre un délit qui entraîne la révocation de la mise en liberté conditionnelle;∎ Military to break bounds violer la consigne∎ to break jail s'évader (de prison);∎ to break camp lever le camp;(h) (interrupt → fast, monotony, spell) rompre; Electricity (→ circuit, current) couper; Typography (→ word, page) couper;∎ we broke our journey at Brussels nous avons fait une étape à Bruxelles;∎ a cry broke the silence un cri a déchiré ou percé le silence;∎ the plain was broken only by an occasional small settlement la plaine n'était interrompue que par de rares petits hameaux;∎ Military to break step rompre le pas∎ the new offer broke the deadlock la nouvelle proposition a permis de sortir de l'impasse;∎ he's tried to stop smoking but he can't break the habit il a essayé d'arrêter de fumer mais il n'arrive pas à se débarrasser ou se défaire de l'habitude;∎ to break sb of a habit corriger ou guérir qn d'une habitude;∎ to break oneself of a habit se corriger ou se défaire d'une habitude(j) (wear down, destroy → enemy) détruire; (→ person, will, courage, resistance) briser; (→ witness) réfuter; (→ health) abîmer; (→ alibi) écarter;∎ torture did not break him or his spirit il a résisté à la torture;∎ this scandal could break them ce scandale pourrait signer leur perte;∎ the experience will either make or break him l'expérience lui sera ou salutaire ou fatale(k) (bankrupt) ruiner;∎ her new business will either make or break her sa nouvelle affaire la rendra riche ou la ruinera;∎ to break the bank (exhaust funds) faire sauter la banque;(l) (soften → fall) amortir, adoucir;∎ we planted a row of trees to break the wind nous avons planté une rangée d'arbres pour couper le vent(m) (reveal, tell) annoncer, révéler;∎ break it to her gently annonce-le lui avec ménagement(n) (beat, improve on) battre;∎ to break a record battre un record;∎ the golfer broke 90 le golfeur a dépassé le score de 90(o) (solve → code) déchiffrer∎ to break sb's service (in tennis) prendre le service de qn;∎ Hingis was broken in the fifth game Hingis a perdu son service dans le cinquième jeu∎ can you break a £10 note? pouvez-vous faire de la monnaie sur un billet de 10 livres?∎ to break wind lâcher un vent(a) (split into pieces → glass, furniture) se casser, se briser; (→ branch, stick) se casser, se rompre; (→ lace, string, egg, toy) se casser;∎ to break apart se casser ou se briser (en morceaux);∎ the plate broke in two l'assiette s'est cassée en deux;∎ to break into pieces se casser en morceaux;∎ figurative her heart broke elle a eu le cœur brisé∎ is the bone broken? y a-t-il une fracture?;∎ humorous any bones broken? rien de cassé?∎ the dishwasher broke last week le lave-vaisselle est tombé en panne la semaine dernière(d) (disperse → clouds) se disperser, se dissiper; Military (→ troops) rompre les rangs; (→ ranks) se rompre∎ to break free se libérer;∎ the ship broke loose from its moorings le bateau a rompu ses amarres(f) (fail → health, person, spirit) se détériorer;∎ the witness broke under questioning le témoin a craqué au cours de l'interrogatoire;∎ she or her spirit did not break elle ne s'est pas laissée abattre;∎ their courage finally broke leur courage a fini par les abandonner(g) (take a break) faire une pause;∎ let's break for coffee arrêtons-nous pour prendre un café(h) (arise suddenly → day) se lever, poindre; (→ dawn) poindre; Press & Television (→ news) être annoncé; (→ scandal, war) éclater(i) (move suddenly) se précipiter, foncer∎ she was so upset that her voice kept breaking elle était tellement bouleversée que sa voix se brisait∎ the sea was breaking against the rocks les vagues se brisaient sur les rochers∎ her waters have broken elle a perdu les eaux∎ to break right/badly bien/mal se passer∎ break! break!, stop!3 noun(a) (in china, glass) cassure f, brisure f; (in wood) cassure f, rupture f; Medicine (in bone, limb) fracture f; figurative (with friend, group) rupture f; (in marriage) séparation f;∎ the break with her husband was a painful experience ça a été très pénible pour elle quand elle s'est séparée de son mari;∎ her break with the party in 1968 sa rupture avec le parti en 1968;∎ to make a clean break with the past rompre avec le passé(c) (gap → in hedge, wall) trouée f, ouverture f; Geology (→ in rock) faille f; (→ in line) interruption f, rupture f; Typography (→ in word) césure f; (→ in pagination) fin f de page;∎ a break in the clouds une éclaircie(d) (interruption → in conversation) interruption f, pause f; (→ in payment) interruption f, suspension f; (→ in trip) arrêt m; (→ in production) suspension f, rupture f; (→ in series) interruption f; Literature & Music pause f; (in jazz) break m;∎ guitar break (in rock) (courte) improvisation f de guitare;∎ Electricity a break in the circuit une coupure de courant;∎ Radio a break for commercials, a (commercial) break un intermède de publicité; Television un écran publicitaire, une page de publicité;∎ Television a break in transmission une interruption des programmes (due à un incident technique)∎ let's take a break on fait une pause?;∎ we worked all morning without a break nous avons travaillé toute la matinée sans nous arrêter;∎ he drove for three hours without a break il a conduit trois heures de suite;∎ you need a break (short rest) tu as besoin de faire une pause; (holiday) tu as besoin de vacances;∎ an hour's break for lunch une heure de pause pour le déjeuner;∎ lunch break pause f de midi;∎ do you get a lunch break? tu as une pause à midi?;∎ a weekend in the country makes a pleasant break un week-end à la campagne fait du bien;∎ familiar give me a break! (don't talk nonsense) dis pas n'importe quoi!; (stop nagging) fiche-moi la paix!∎ Law jail break évasion f (de prison);∎ she made a break for the woods elle s'est élancée vers le bois;∎ to make a break for it prendre la fuite∎ you get all the breaks! tu en as du pot!;∎ to have a lucky break avoir de la veine;∎ to have a bad break manquer de veine;∎ this could be your big break ça pourrait être la chance de ta vie;∎ she's never had an even break in her life rien n'a jamais été facile dans sa vie;∎ give him a break donne-lui une chance; (he won't do it again) donne-lui une seconde chance∎ a break in the weather un changement de temps;∎ the decision signalled a break with tradition la décision marquait une rupture avec la tradition(i) (carriage) break m∎ at break of day au point du jour, à l'aube∎ to have a service break or a break (of serve) (in tennis) avoir une rupture de service (de l'adversaire);∎ to have two break points (in tennis) avoir deux balles de break;∎ he made a 70 break (in snooker, pool etc) il a fait une série de 70►► Computing break character caractère m d'interruption;Computing break key touche f d'interruption∎ I broke away from the crowd je me suis éloigné de la foule;∎ he broke away from her grasp il s'est dégagé de son étreinte∎ a group of MPs broke away from the party un groupe de députés a quitté le parti;∎ as a band they have broken away from traditional jazz leur groupe a (complètement) rompu avec le jazz traditionneldétacher;∎ they broke all the fittings away from the walls ils ont décroché toutes les appliques des murs(in tennis) = gagner le service de son adversaire après avoir perdu son propre service(a) (vehicle, machine) tomber en panne;∎ the car has broken down la voiture est en panne(b) (fail → health) se détériorer; (→ authority) disparaître; (→ argument, system, resistance) s'effondrer; (→ negotiations, relations, plan) échouer;∎ radio communications broke down le contact radio a été coupé;∎ their marriage is breaking down leur mariage se désagrège(c) (lose one's composure) s'effondrer;∎ to break down in tears fondre en larmes∎ the report breaks down into three parts le rapport comprend ou est composé de trois parties∎ to break down into sth se décomposer en qch∎ we must break down old prejudices il faut mettre fin aux vieux préjugés(b) (analyse → idea, statistics) analyser; (→ reasons) décomposer; (→ account, figures, expenses) décomposer, ventiler; (→ bill, estimate) détailler; (→ substance) décomposer;∎ the problem can be broken down into three parts le problème peut se décomposer en trois parties➲ break in∎ a month should be enough to break you in to the job un mois devrait suffire pour vous faire ou vous habituer au métier(b) (clothing) porter (pour user);∎ I want to break these shoes in je veux que ces chaussures se fassent(c) (knock down → door) enfoncer∎ to break in on sb/sth interrompre qn/qch∎ they broke into the safe ils ont fracturé ou forcé le coffre-fort;∎ they've been broken into three times ils se sont fait cambrioler trois fois∎ the audience broke into applause le public s'est mis à applaudir;∎ to break into a run/sprint se mettre à courir/à sprinter;∎ the horse broke into a gallop le cheval a pris le galop(c) (conversation) interrompre(d) (start to spend → savings) entamer;∎ I don't want to break into a £20 note je ne veux pas entamer un billet de 20 livres∎ the firm has broken into the Japanese market l'entreprise a percé sur le marché japonais(a) (separate) se détacher, se casser;∎ a branch has broken off une branche s'est détachée (de l'arbre)∎ he broke off in mid-sentence il s'est arrêté au milieu d'une phrase;∎ to break off for ten minutes prendre dix minutes de pause;∎ to break off for lunch s'arrêter pour déjeuner(c) (end relationship) rompre;∎ she's broken off with him elle a rompu avec lui(a) (separate) détacher, casser;∎ to break sth off sth casser ou détacher qch de qch(b) (end → agreement, relationship) rompre;∎ they've broken off their engagement ils ont rompu leurs fiançailles;∎ to break it off (with sb) rompre (avec qn);∎ Italy had broken off diplomatic relations with Libya l'Italie avait rompu ses relations diplomatiques avec la Libye∎ to break a desk open ouvrir un bureau en forçant la serrure∎ to break out in spots or in a rash avoir une éruption de boutons;∎ to break out in a sweat se mettre à transpirer;∎ she broke out in a cold sweat elle s'est mise à avoir des sueurs froides∎ to break out from or of prison s'évader (de prison);∎ we have to break out of this vicious circle il faut que nous sortions de ce cercle vicieux(bottle, champagne) ouvrir(sun) percer;∎ I broke through the crowd je me suis frayé un chemin à travers la foule;∎ the troops broke through enemy lines les troupes ont enfoncé les lignes ennemies;∎ she eventually broke through his reserve elle a fini par le faire sortir de sa réservepercer; figurative & Military faire une percée;∎ figurative his hidden feelings tend to break through in his writing ses sentiments cachés tendent à transparaître ou percer dans ses écrits➲ break up(a) (divide up → rocks) briser, morceler; Law (→ property) morceler; (→ soil) ameublir; (→ bread, cake) partager;∎ she broke the loaf up into four pieces elle a rompu ou partagé la miche en quatre;∎ illustrations break up the text le texte est aéré par des illustrations(c) (end → fight, party) mettre fin à, arrêter; Commerce & Law (→ conglomerate, trust) scinder, diviser; Commerce (→ company) scinder; Politics (→ coalition) briser, rompre; Administration (→ organization) dissoudre; (→ empire) démembrer; (→ family) séparer;∎ his drinking broke up their marriage le fait qu'il buvait a brisé ou détruit leur mariage(d) (disperse → crowd) disperser;∎ the news really broke her up la nouvelle l'a complètement bouleversée∎ her stories really break me up! ses histoires me font bien marrer!(a) (split into pieces → road, system) se désagréger; (→ ice) craquer, se fissurer; (→ ship) se disloquer;∎ the ship broke up on the rocks le navire s'est disloqué sur les rochers(b) (come to an end → meeting, party) se terminer, prendre fin; (→ partnership) cesser, prendre fin; (→ talks, negotiations) cesser;∎ when the meeting broke up à l'issue ou à la fin de la réunion;∎ their marriage broke up leur mariage n'a pas marché(c) (boyfriend, girlfriend) rompre;∎ she broke up with her boyfriend elle a rompu avec son petit ami;∎ they've broken up ils se sont séparés∎ we break up for Christmas on the 22nd les vacances de Noël commencent le 22;∎ when do we break up? quand est-ce qu'on est en vacances?(f) (lose one's composure) s'effondrer(a) (end association with → person, organization) rompre avec;∎ the defeat caused many people to break with the party la défaite a poussé beaucoup de gens à rompre avec le parti(b) (depart from → belief, values) rompre avec;∎ she broke with tradition by getting married away from her village elle a rompu avec la tradition en ne se mariant pas dans son village -
7 break
break [breɪk]1. nouna. (in conversation, programme, line) interruption f ; (in journey) arrêt m ; (at work) pause f ; (at school) pause f, récréation f• to take a break ( = few minutes) faire une pause ; ( = holiday) prendre des vacances ; ( = change) se changer les idées• after the break ( = advertisements) après la pause (publicitaire)b. [of bone] fracture f• she got her first big break in "Sarafina" elle a percé dans « Sarafina »a. casser ; [+ skin] écorcher• to break one's leg/one's neck se casser la jambe/le cou• to break new or fresh ground innoverb. [+ promise] manquer à ; [+ treaty] violerc. [+ courage, spirit, strike] briser• television can make you or break you la télévision peut soit vous apporter la gloire soit vous briserd. [+ silence, spell] rompre• to break one's journey faire une étape (or des étapes)e. [+ fall] amortirf. [+ news] annoncera. (se) casser ; [bone] se fracturerb. [clouds] se dissiperc. [storm] éclater ; [wave] déferlerd. [news, story] éclatere. ( = weaken, change) [health] se détériorer ; [voice] (boy's) muer ; (in emotion) se briser ( with sous le coup de ) ; [weather] se gâterf. [dawn] poindre ; [day] se leverg. ( = pause) faire une pause4. compounds► break-up noun [of friendship] rupture f ; [of empire, group of states] démantèlement m ; [of political party] scission f• after negotiations broke down... après l'échec m des négociations...c. ( = weep) fondre en larmes► break ina. ( = interrupt) interrompreb. ( = enter illegally) entrer par effractiona. [+ door] enfoncerb. [+ engine, car] roder• it took a month to break in my new shoes cela a pris un mois avant que mes nouvelles chaussures se fassenta. ( = enter illegally) [+ house] entrer par effraction dansb. [+ savings] entamerc. [company] to break into a new market percer sur un nouveau marchéa. [piece, twig] se casser neta. ( = snap off) casserb. ( = end) [+ relationship, negotiations] romprea. [war, fire] éclaterb. ( = escape) s'échapper (of de)( = succeed) percer[+ defences, obstacles] faire tomber► break upb. [crowd] se disperser ; [meeting] prendre finc. [phone line] couperd. (US = laugh) (inf!) se tordre de rirea. [+ chocolate] casser en morceauxb. [+ coalition] briser ; [+ empire] démembrerc. [+ crowd, demonstration] disperser• police used tear gas to break up the demonstration la police a utilisé du gaz lacrymogène pour disperser les manifestantsd. (US = make laugh) (inf!) donner le fou rire à* * *[breɪk] 1.1) ( fracture) fracture f2) ( crack) fêlure f3) ( gap) ( in wall) brèche f; (in row, line) espace m; (in circuit, chain) rupture f; (in conversation, match) pause f; ( in performance) entracte m; ( in traffic) trou m, espace m4) Radio, Television page f de publicité5) ( pause) gen pause f; School récréation fto take ou have a break from working — ne plus travailler pendant un temps
I often give her a break from looking after the kids — je m'occupe souvent des enfants pour qu'elle se repose
6) ( holiday) vacances fplit's time to make a ou the break — ( from family) il est temps de voler de ses propres ailes; ( from job) il est temps de passer à autre chose
8) (colloq) ( opportunity) chance f9) ( dawn)at the break of day — au lever du jour, à l'aube f
10) ( escape bid)2.to make a break for it — (colloq) ( from prison) se faire la belle (colloq)
1) ( damage) casser [chair, eggs, rope, stick, toy]; casser [plate, window]to break a tooth/a bone — se casser une dent/un os
to break one's neck — lit avoir une rupture des vertèbres cervicales; fig se casser la figure
2) ( rupture) briser [seal]3) ( interrupt) [person] rompre [silence]; [shout, siren] déchirer [silence]; couper [circuit]; rompre [monotony, spell, ties, links] ( with avec)to break one's silence — sortir de son silence (on à propos de)
4) ( disobey) enfreindre [law]; ne pas respecter [embargo, terms]; violer [treaty]; désobéir à [rule]; briser [strike]; rompre [vow]; manquer [appointment]to break one's word/promise — manquer à sa parole/promesse
5) (exceed, surpass) dépasser [speed limit, bounds]; battre [record]; franchir [speed barrier]6) ( lessen the impact of) couper [wind]; [branches] freiner [fall]; [hay] amortir [fall]8) ( ruin) ruiner [person]9) ( tame) débourrer [young horse]10) ( in tennis)11) ( decipher) déchiffrer [code]12) ( leave)13) ( announce) annoncer [news]; révéler [truth]3.1) ( be damaged) [branch, chair, egg, string] se casser; [plate, window] se casser; [arm, bone, leg] se fracturer; [bag] se déchirer2) ( separate) [clouds] se disperser; [waves] se briser3) ( stop for a rest) faire une pause4) ( change) [good weather] se gâter; [heatwave] cesser5) ( begin) [day] se lever; [storm] éclater; [scandal, story] éclater6) ( discontinue)7) ( weaken)8) ( change tone) [boy's voice] muer•Phrasal Verbs:- break in- break up -
8 break
A n1 ( fracture) fracture f ;3 ( gap) (in fence, wall) brèche f ; (in row, line) espace m ; (in circuit, chain, sequence) rupture f ; (in conversation, match) pause f ; ( in performance) entracte m ; (in traffic, procession) trou m, espace m ; a break in the clouds une éclaircie ; a break in transmission une interruption dans la retransmission ;4 Radio, TV ( also commercial break) page f de publicité ; we're going to take a break now tout de suite, une page de publicité ;5 ( pause) gen pause f ; Sch récréation f ; to take a break faire une pause ; I walked/worked for six hours without a break j'ai marché/travaillé pendant six heures sans m'arrêter ; to have a break from work arrêter de travailler ; to take ou have a break from working/driving ne plus travailler/conduire pendant un temps ; to take ou have a break from nursing/teaching arrêter le métier d'infirmière/d'enseignant pendant un temps ; I often give her a break from looking after the kids je m'occupe souvent des enfants pour qu'elle se repose ; give us a break ○ ! fiche-nous la paix ○ ! ;6 ( holiday) vacances fpl ; the Christmas break les vacances de Noël ; a weekend break in Milan un week-end à Milan ;7 fig ( departure) rupture f (with avec) ; a break with tradition/the past une rupture avec la tradition/le passé ; it's time to make a ou the break ( from family) il est temps de voler de ses propres ailes ; ( from job) il est temps de passer à autre chose ;8 ○ ( opportunity) chance f ; her big break came in 1973 1973 a été l'année de sa veine ○ ; he gave me a break il m'a donné ma chance ; a lucky break un coup de veine ○ ; a bad break des déboires mpl ; to give sb an even break donner sa chance à qn ;10 ( escape bid) to make a break for it ○ ( from prison) se faire la belle ○ ; to make a break for the door/the trees se précipiter vers la porte/les arbres ;11 Print line break fin f d'alinéa ; page break changement m de page ; paragraph break fin f de paragraphe ;13 (in snooker, pool) ( first shot) it's your break c'est à toi de casser ; ( series of shots) to make a 50 point break marquer une série de 50 points ;1 ( damage) casser [chair, eggs, rope, stick, toy] ; casser, briser [glass, plate, window] ; casser [machine] ; to break a tooth/a nail/a bone se casser une dent/un ongle/un os ; to break one's leg/arm se casser la jambe/le bras ; to break one's back lit se casser la colonne vertébrale ; I nearly broke my back moving the piano fig j'ai failli me briser les reins en déplaçant le piano ; to break one's neck lit avoir une rupture des vertèbres cervicales ; somebody is going to break their neck on those steps fig quelqu'un va se casser la figure sur ces marches ○ ; she broke the bottle over his head elle lui a cassé la bouteille sur la tête ;2 (split, rupture) briser [seal] ; couper [sentence, word] ; the skin is not broken il n'y a pas de plaie ; not a ripple broke the surface of the water pas une ride ne troublait la surface de l'eau ; to break surface [diver, submarine] remonter à la surface ; the river broke its banks la rivière a débordé ;3 ( interrupt) [person] rompre [silence] ; [shout, siren] déchirer [silence] ; couper [circuit, current] ; rompre [monotony, spell] ; rompre [ties, links] (with avec) ; to break one's silence sortir de son silence (on à propos de) ; to break sb's concentration déconcentrer qn ; we broke our journey in Milan nous avons fait un arrêt à Milan ; the tower breaks the line of the roof/of the horizon la tour rompt la ligne du toit/de l'horizon ; to break step rompre le pas ;4 ( disobey) enfreindre [law] ; ne pas respecter [embargo, blockade, conditions, terms] ; violer [treaty] ; désobéir à [commandment, rule] ; briser [strike] ; rompre [vow] ; manquer [appointment] ; he broke his word/promise il a manqué à sa parole/promesse ;5 (exceed, surpass) dépasser [speed limit, bounds] ; battre [record, opponent] ; franchir [speed barrier] ; briser [class barrier] ;7 fig ( destroy) [troops] briser [rebellion] ; briser [person, resistance, determination, will] ; to break sb's spirit saper le moral de qn ; to break sb's hold over sb débarrasser qn de l'emprise de qn ; discussions which aim to break this deadlock des discussions qui visent à nous sortir de cette impasse ; to break a habit se défaire d'une habitude ;8 ( ruin) ruiner [person] ; this contract will make or break the company ( financially) ce contrat fera la fortune ou la ruine de l'entreprise ; this decision will make or break me ( personally) cette décision sera mon salut ou ma perte ;9 Equit débourrer [young horse] ;10 ( in tennis) to break sb's serve faire le break ;11 Mil casser [officer] ;12 ( decipher) déchiffrer [cipher, code] ;13 ( leave) to break camp lever le camp ;14 ( announce) annoncer [news] ; révéler [truth] ; to break the news to sb apprendre la nouvelle à qn ; break it to her gently annonce-lui la nouvelle avec douceur.1 ( be damaged) [branch, chair, egg, handle, tooth, string] se casser ; [plate, glass, window] se briser ; [arm, bone, leg] se fracturer ; [bag] se déchirer ; china breaks easily la porcelaine se casse facilement ; the vase broke in two/into a thousand pieces le vase s'est brisé en deux/en mille morceaux ; the sound of breaking glass le bruit de verre brisé ;4 ( stop for a rest) faire une pause ;7 ( discontinue) to break with sb rompre les relations avec qn ; to break with a party/the church quitter un parti/l'église ; to break with tradition/convention rompre avec la tradition/les conventions ;8 ( weaken) their spirit never broke leur moral n'a jamais faibli ; to break under torture/interrogation céder sous la torture/l'interrogation ;9 ( change tone) [boy's voice] muer ; her voice breaks on the high notes sa voix s'éraille dans les aigus ; in a voice breaking with emotion d 'une voix brisée par l'émotion ;10 (in snooker, pool) casser.■ break away:1 ( become detached) [island, shell] se détacher (from de) ; to break away from [group, person] rompre avec [family, party, organization] ; [state] se séparer de [union] ; [animal] se détacher de [herd] ; [boat] rompre [moorings] ;2 ( escape) échapper (from à) ;3 Sport [runner, cyclist] se détacher (from de) ;▶ break away [sth], break [sth] away enlever [outer shell, casing].■ break down:1 ( stop functioning) [car, elevator, machine] tomber en panne ; we broke down on the main street nous sommes tombés en panne sur la grand-rue ;2 ( collapse) fig [alliance, coalition] éclater ; [negotiations] échouer ; [contact, communication] cesser ; [law and order] se dégrader ; [argument] ne pas tenir debout ; [system] s'effondrer ; [person] s'effondrer, craquer ; he broke down under the strain il a craqué sous la pression ;3 ( cry) fondre en larmes ;4 ( be classified) [cost findings, statistics] se décomposer (into en) ; the cost of the repair breaks down as follows le prix de la réparation se décompose ainsi ;5 ( decompose) [compound] se décomposer (en into) ;6 ( confess) ( under interrogation) céder ;▶ break [sth] down, break down [sth]1 ( demolish) lit enfoncer [door] ; démolir [fence, wall] ; fig faire tomber [barriers] ; vaincre [opposition, resistance, shyness] ;2 ( analyse) ventiler [budget, cost, expenses, statistics] ; décomposer [word] (into en) ; décomposer [data, findings] (into par) ; décomposer [argument] ;3 ( cause to decompose) décomposer [compound, gas] (into en) ; [enzyme, catalyst] dissoudre [protein, starch] ; [gastric juices] dissoudre [food].■ break even Fin rentrer dans ses frais.■ break free:■ break in1 ( enter forcibly) [thief] entrer (par effraction) ; [police] entrer de force ; the burglar broke in through a window le cambrioleur est entré par une fenêtre ;2 ( interrupt) interrompre ; ‘I don't want to go,’ he broke in ‘je ne veux pas y aller,’ a-t-il interrompu ; to break in on sb/sth interrompre qn/qch ;▶ break [sth] in débourrer [young horse] ; assouplir [shoe] ; to break in one's glasses s'habituer à ses lunettes ;▶ break [sb] in accoutumer [qn] au travail [recruit, newcomer] ; to break sb in gently donner le temps à qn de s'accoutumer au travail.■ break into:▶ break into [sth]1 ( enter by force) entrer dans [qch] (par effraction) [building] ; forcer la portière de [car] ; forcer [safe, till] ; her car was broken into sa voiture a été cambriolée ;2 ( start to use) entamer [new packet, new bottle, banknote, savings] ;4 ( begin to do) to break into song/cheers se mettre à chanter/acclamer ; to break into peals of laughter éclater de rire ; to break into a run/gallop se mettre à courir/au galop ;5 ( make headway) [company] s'implanter sur [market] ; [person] s'introduire dans [job market] ; [person] percer dans [show business].■ break loose [dog, horse] s'échapper (from de).■ break off:2 ( stop speaking) s'interrompre ; she broke off to answer the phone elle s'est interrompue pour répondre au téléphone ;3 ( pause) faire une pause, s'arrêter ;▶ break off [sth], break [sth] off1 ( snap) casser [branch, piece, segment, mast] ;2 ( terminate) rompre [engagement, relationship, contact, negotiations, ties] ; interrompre [conversation] ; they decided to break it off (relationship, engagement) ils ont décidé de rompre ; to break off doing arrêter de faire.■ break out:1 ( erupt) [epidemic, fire] se déclarer ; [fight, panic, riot, storm] éclater ; [rash] apparaître ; to break out in a rash ou in spots [person] avoir une éruption de boutons ; [face] se couvrir de boutons ; to break out in a sweat se mettre à transpirer ;2 ( escape) [prisoner] s'évader ; to break out of s'échapper de [cage, prison] ; sortir de [routine, vicious circle] ; se libérer de [chains, straitjacket].▶ break through [army] faire une percée ;▶ break through [sth] percer [defences, reserve] ; franchir [barrier, cordon] ; se frayer un passage à travers [crowd] ; traverser [mur] ; [sun] percer [clouds].■ break up:▶ break up1 ( disintegrate) lit [wreck] se désagréger ; fig [empire] s'effondrer ; [alliance] éclater ; [group, family, couple] se séparer ; their marriage/relationship is breaking up leur mariage/relation va mal ;3 GB Sch schools break up on Friday les cours finissent vendredi ; we break up for Christmas on Tuesday pour Noël, nous finissons mardi ;▶ break [sth] up, break up [sth] ( split up) disperser [demonstrators] ; démanteler [spy ring, drugs ring] ; séparer [team, couple] ; désunir [family] ; briser [alliance, marriage] ; démembrer [empire] ; diviser [sentence, word] (into en) ; morceler [land] ; [diagrams] aérer [text] ; mettre fin à [party, fight, demonstration] ; break it up! ( stop fighting) ça suffit maintenant! -
9 break
Ⅰbreak [breɪk]1. n1) проры́в2) отве́рстие; тре́щина; проло́м3) переры́в, па́уза; переме́на ( в школе);coffee break переры́в на ча́шку ко́фе
4):break of day рассве́т
;by the break of day на рассве́те
5) разг. шанс, возмо́жность;to get the breaks испо́льзовать благоприя́тные обстоя́тельства; име́ть успе́х
;a lucky break уда́ча
6) обмо́лвка; оши́бка;а) сде́лать оши́бку, ло́жный шаг;б) проговори́ться, обмо́лвиться;в) обанкро́титься7) раско́л; разры́в ( отношений);to make a break with smb. порва́ть с кем-л.
8) тлг. тире́-многото́чие9) амер. внеза́пное паде́ние цен10) диал. большо́е коли́чество (чего-л.)11) хим. расслое́ние жи́дкости12) геол. разры́в; ма́лый сброс◊break in the clouds луч наде́жды, просве́т
2. v (broke; broken)1) лома́ть(ся), разбива́ть(ся); разруша́ть(ся); рва́ть(ся), разрыва́ть(ся); взла́мывать2) прерыва́ть (сон, молчание, путешествие);to break the monotony нару́шить однообра́зие
3) наруша́ть (обещание, закон, правило);to break the peace нару́шить поко́й, мир
4) ослабе́ть5) осла́бить;to break a fall осла́бить си́лу паде́ния
6) сломи́ть (сопротивление, волю); подорва́ть (силы, здоровье, могущество)7) поби́ть ( рекорд)11) рассе́иваться, расходи́ться, расступа́ться13):day is breaking, day breaks (рас)света́ет
16) разоря́ть(ся)18) разжа́ловать23) вы́рваться, сорва́ться;a cry broke from his lips крик сорва́лся с его́ уст
24) текст. мять, трепа́ть25) сепари́ровать (масло от обрата, мёд от воска)а) убежа́ть, вы́рваться ( из тюрьмы и т.п.);б) поко́нчить ( from — с);в) отдели́ться, отпа́сть;а) разбива́ть, толо́чь;б) разруша́ть(ся);в) сломи́ть ( сопротивление);г) ухудша́ться, сдава́ть ( о здоровье);д) разбира́ть ( на части); дели́ть, подразделя́ть, расчленя́ть; классифици́ровать;е) распада́ться ( на части);ж) анализи́ровать;з) провали́ться; потерпе́ть неуда́чу;и) не вы́держать, потеря́ть самооблада́ние;а) вы́рваться; прорва́ться;б) разрази́ться;to break forth into tears распла́каться
;а) вла́мываться, врыва́ться;в) дрессирова́ть; укроща́ть; объезжа́ть ( лошадей); дисциплини́ровать;а) вла́мываться;б) разрази́ться (смехом, слезами);в):to break into smb.'s time отня́ть у кого́-л. вре́мя
;г) прерва́ть ( разговор);д):to break into a run побежа́ть
;а) отла́мывать;б) внеза́пно прекраща́ть, обрыва́ть (разговор, дружбу, знакомство и т.п.);to break off action ( или combat, the fight) воен. вы́йти из бо́я
;а) (у)бежа́ть ( из тюрьмы);б) выла́мывать;в) вспы́хивать (о пожаре, войне, эпидемии и т.п.);г) разрази́ться;he broke out laughing он расхохота́лся
;д) появля́ться;a rash broke out on his body у него́ вы́ступила сыпь
;break through прорва́ться;а) разбива́ть ( на мелкие куски);to break up into groups, categories дели́ть на гру́ппы, катего́рии; классифици́ровать
;б) слабе́ть;в) расходи́ться (о собрании, компании и т.п.);г) закрыва́ться на кани́кулы;д) распуска́ть ( учеников на каникулы);е) расформиро́вывать;ж) меня́ться ( о погоде)◊to break the back ( или the neck) of smth.
а) уничто́жить, погуби́ть что-л.;◊to break the ice см. ice 1
◊to break the ground, to break fresh ( или new) ground
а) распа́хивать целину́;б) прокла́дывать но́вые пути́; начина́ть но́вое де́ло; де́лать пе́рвые шаги́ в чём-л.;в) воен. нача́ть рытьё око́пов;г) расчища́ть площа́дку ( при строительстве); рыть котлова́н;to break camp снима́ться с ла́геря
;to break a lance with smb. «лома́ть ко́пья», спо́рить с кем-л.
;to break the news осторо́жно сообща́ть (неприя́тную) но́вость
;to break a story опубликова́ть ( в газете) отчёт, сообще́ние, информа́цию
;а) вы́браться, вы́йти из укры́тия;б) вы́йти нару́жу; вы́ступить на пове́рхность;to break surface всплыть ( о подводной лодке и т.п.)
;to break the bank карт. сорва́ть банк
;а) вы́рваться на свобо́ду;б) сорва́ться с цепи́;to break open взла́мывать
;to break wind освободи́ться от га́зов
;to break even оста́ться при свои́х ( в игре)
;to break a secret вы́дать та́йну
Ⅱbreak [breɪk] nоткры́тый экипа́ж с двумя́ продо́льными скамья́ми -
10 ■ break up
■ break upA v. i. + avv.1 spezzarsi; andare in pezzi; rompersi; sfasciarsi: The boat broke up on the rocks, è andata a infrangersi sugli scogli2 ( di relazione) finire, fallire; ( di una coppia) lasciarsi, rompere: Mary has broken up with her boyfriend, Mary ha rotto col suo ragazzo3 ( di riunione, ecc.) sciogliersi; interrompersi; finire; terminare; ( di assembramento) disperdersi; ( di combattenti) separarsi, staccarsi; ( di famiglia) sfasciarsi, disperdersi; (mil.) sbandarsi: The party broke up, il gruppo si è sciolto; la festa è finita; At night the demonstrators broke up, a sera i dimostranti si dispersero5 (di scuola, ecc., GB) chiudere per le vacanze: When does your school ( o do you) break up?, quando cominciate le vacanze?6 ( di persona) crollare; cedere; andare in pezzi: He's not one to break up under the strain, non è il tipo da crollare sotto lo sforzo7 (fam.) scoppiare a ridere; sbellicarsi (dalle risa)B v. t. + avv.1 rompere in pezzi; fare a pezzi; spezzare; spezzettare: to break up a bar of chocolate, spezzettare una tavoletta di cioccolato; to break up a loaf into chunks, fare a pezzi una pagnotta5 smembrare; disgregare; smantellare; disperdere; sciogliere (una riunione, ecc.); mettere fine a; disperdere; (mil.) sbandare: to break up a home, disgregare una famiglia; distruggere un ambiente familiare (o un focolare); to break up an organization, smantellare un'organizzazione; to break up a company, smembrare una società; to break up a business, liquidare un'azienda; to break up a gathering, sciogliere un assembramento; The police broke up the demonstration, la polizia disperse la folla dei dimostranti; to break up a fight, metter fine a una rissa; Break it up!, (a litiganti, ecc.) separatevi !; smettetela!6 suddividere; frazionare; scomporre ( anche mat.): to break up a job into a series of activities, suddividere un lavoro in una serie di attività; to break up an estate, frazionare una proprietà; to break up a sentence into clauses, scomporre un periodo in frasi7 prostrare; far crollare; distruggere: The news of her death broke him up, la notizia della sua morte lo ha prostrato8 (fam.) far morire dal ridere; far sbellicare (dalle risa) -
11 break
break [bʀεk]masculine nounb. ( = pause) breakc. (Boxing, tennis) break* * *bʀɛknom masculin1) Automobile estate car GB, station wagon US2) ( d'attelage) (shooting) break* * *bʀɛk nmAUTOMOBILES estate car Grande-Bretagne station wagon USA* * *break nm2 ( d'attelage) (shooting) break.[brɛk] nom masculin2. [voiture à cheval] break -
12 break
break разрыв; разрыватьto break a bond разрывать связьto break down 1. расщеплять, делить; 2. подразделять, классифицироватьchromatid break хроматидный разрывchromatid break разрыв хроматиды, т.е. разрыв, происходящий после редупликации хромосомыchromosome break хромосомный разрывDNA break ДНК-разрывdouble-strand break двухнитевой разрыв (ДНК)half-chromatid break полухроматидный разрывisochromatid break изохроматидный разрывisolocal break изолокальный разрыв (хроматид)potential break потенциальный разрывsingle-chain break однонитевой разрывsingle-strand break однонитевой разрыв (ДНК)English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > break
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break nразъемbreaking vполомка, прерываниеaircraft production break lineлиния технологического разъема воздушного суднаbreak a contactнарушать контактbreak a minimum ceilingвыходить из облачностиbreak down into stepsразбивать на этапы(траекторию полета) break glideуходить с глиссадыbreak out a cloud baseпробивать облачностьbreak the journeyпрерывать полетbreak through cloudsпробивать облачностьcloud breaking procedureспособ пробивания облачностиmaintenance breakэксплуатационный разъемmileage breakпункт поворота маршрутаproduction breakтехнологический разъемultimate breaking loadпредельная разрушающая нагрузка -
15 break in
1) (enter forcibly) [ thief] entrare (con effrazione); [ police] irrompere, fare irruzione2) (interrupt) interrompereto break in on sb., sth. — interrompere qcn., qcs.; break [sth.] in domare [ young horse]
to break one's shoes in — portare le scarpe per ammorbidirle; break [sb.] in addestrare [ recruit]
* * *1. vt + adv1) (door) sfondare2) (train: horse) domare, (new recruit) addestrare2. vi1) (burglar) fare irruzione2)to break in (on sb/sth) — interrompere (qn/qc)* * *1) (enter forcibly) [ thief] entrare (con effrazione); [ police] irrompere, fare irruzione2) (interrupt) interrompereto break in on sb., sth. — interrompere qcn., qcs.; break [sth.] in domare [ young horse]
to break one's shoes in — portare le scarpe per ammorbidirle; break [sb.] in addestrare [ recruit]
16 break up
1) (disintegrate) [ wreck] sfasciarsi, andare in pezzi; fig. [ empire] crollare; [ alliance] sciogliersi; [family, couple] dividersi2) (disperse) [ crowd] disperdersi; [cloud, slick] dissolversi; [ meeting] sciogliersi3) BE scol.schools break up on Friday — le scuole chiudono venerdì; break [sth.] up, break up [sth.] (split up) disperdere [ demonstrators]; smantellare [ drugs ring]; dividere [couple, family, team]; rompere [ alliance]; smembrare [ empire]; frazionare [ land]; [ diagrams] intervallare [ text]; interrompere, fare finire [party, demonstration]
* * *1) (to divide, separate or break into pieces: He broke up the old furniture and burnt it; John and Mary broke up (= separated from each other) last week.) fare a pezzi; lasciarsi2) (to finish or end: The meeting broke up at 4.40.) finire* * *1. vt + adv(rocks etc) fare a pezzi, spaccare, (marriage) finire, (crowd, clouds) disperdere, (fight etc) interrompere, far cessare2. vi + adv(ship) andare in or a pezzi, sfondarsi, (ice) spaccarsi, disintegrarsi, (partnership, meeting) sciogliersi, (couple) separarsi, (marriage) andare in pezzi, finire, (crowd, clouds) disperdersi, (school) chiudere* * *1) (disintegrate) [ wreck] sfasciarsi, andare in pezzi; fig. [ empire] crollare; [ alliance] sciogliersi; [family, couple] dividersi2) (disperse) [ crowd] disperdersi; [cloud, slick] dissolversi; [ meeting] sciogliersi3) BE scol.schools break up on Friday — le scuole chiudono venerdì; break [sth.] up, break up [sth.] (split up) disperdere [ demonstrators]; smantellare [ drugs ring]; dividere [couple, family, team]; rompere [ alliance]; smembrare [ empire]; frazionare [ land]; [ diagrams] intervallare [ text]; interrompere, fare finire [party, demonstration]
17 break up
break up а) разбивать (на мелкие куски) to break up into groups, categoriesделить на группы, категории; классифицировать Freezing weather will break upthe soil (into smaller pieces). In spring the ice on the Great Lakes breaksup. б) слабеть в) расходиться (о собрании, компании и т. п.) The crowd brokeup. г) закрываться на каникулы when does your school break up? We break upnext week. д) распускать (учеников на каникулы) е) расформировывать ж) ме-няться (о погоде) з) заканчивать(ся) The police broke up the fight. "Break itup!" shouted the policeman. The party broke up when the police arrived. и)разводиться their marriage broke up. I hear that Jim and Mary are breaking up.It was money trouble that broke up their marriage. к) чувствовать страх, тре-вогу; пугать кого-л. The terrible news will break him up. The death of His petcat broke him up. He may break up under this trouble. л) позабавить кого-л.His story broke me up, I couldn't stop laughing. Peter just broke up when wetold him what had happened. -
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20 break
- break
- n1. разрыв; излом, разрушение
2. слезник, капельник
- break of the grade line
- fire break
- meal break
- wind break
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
См. также в других словарях:
Break — (br[=a]k), v. t. [imp. {broke} (br[=o]k), (Obs. {Brake}); p. p. {Broken} (br[=o] k n), (Obs. {Broke}); p. pr. & vb. n. {Breaking}.] [OE. breken, AS. brecan; akin to OS. brekan, D. breken, OHG. brehhan, G. brechen, Icel. braka to creak, Sw. braka … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Break — (br[=a]k), v. i. 1. To come apart or divide into two or more pieces, usually with suddenness and violence; to part; to burst asunder. [1913 Webster] 2. To open spontaneously, or by pressure from within, as a bubble, a tumor, a seed vessel, a bag … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
break — ► VERB (past broke; past part. broken) 1) separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain. 2) make or become inoperative; stop working. 3) interrupt (a continuity, sequence, or course). 4) fail to observe (a law, regulation, or… … English terms dictionary
break — vb Break, crack, burst, bust, snap, shatter, shiver are comparable as general terms meaning fundamentally to come apart or cause to come apart. Break basically implies the operation of a stress or strain that will cause a rupture, a fracture, a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
break — [brāk] vt. broke, broken, breaking [ME breken < OE brecan < IE base * bhreg > BREACH, BREECH, Ger brechen, L frangere] 1. to cause to come apart by force; split or crack sharply into pieces; smash; burst 2. a) … English World dictionary
break — / brāk/ vb broke / brōk/, bro·ken, / brō kən/, break·ing, / brā kiŋ/ vt 1 a: violate transgress break the law … Law dictionary
break — [n1] fissure, opening breach, cleft, crack, discontinuity, disjunction, division, fracture, gap, gash, hole, rent, rift, rupture, schism, split, tear; concepts 230,757 Ant. association, attachment, binding, combination, fastening, juncture break… … New thesaurus
Break — (br[=a]k), n. [See {Break}, v. t., and cf. {Brake} (the instrument), {Breach}, {Brack} a crack.] 1. An opening made by fracture or disruption. [1913 Webster] 2. An interruption of continuity; change of direction; as, a break in a wall; a break in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
break-up — break ups also breakup 1) N COUNT: usu N of n, n N The break up of a marriage, relationship, or association is the act of it finishing or coming to an end because the people involved decide that it is not working successfully. Since the break up… … English dictionary
break up — {v.} 1. To break into pieces. * /The workmen broke up the pavement to dig up the pipes under it./ * /River ice breaks up in the spring./ 2. {informal} To lose or destroy spirit or self control. Usually used in the passive. * /Mrs. Lawrence was… … Dictionary of American idioms
break up — {v.} 1. To break into pieces. * /The workmen broke up the pavement to dig up the pipes under it./ * /River ice breaks up in the spring./ 2. {informal} To lose or destroy spirit or self control. Usually used in the passive. * /Mrs. Lawrence was… … Dictionary of American idioms